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Hara M, Hirota Y. Basic principle of population-based cohort study to evaluate influenza vaccine effectiveness among elderly Japanese. Vaccine. 35: 4791-4795. 2017.
Ohfuji S, Okada K, Nakano T, Ito H, Hara M, Kuroki H, Hirota Y. Control selection and confounding factors: A lesson from a Japanese case-control study to examine acellular pertussis vaccine effectiveness. Vaccine. 35: 4801-4805. 2017.
原めぐみ. DTaPワクチンの成人への接種. 臨床とウイルス. 43(1): 47-52. 2015.
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Araki K, Hara M, Shimanoe C, Nishida Y, Matsuo M, Tanaka K. Case-control study of rotavirus vaccine effectiveness compared to test-negative controls or hospital controls.J. Epidemiol. 29(8): 282-287.2019, 8.
Hara M, Yakushiji Y, Suzuyama K, Nishihara M, Eriguchi M, Noguchi T, Nishiyama M, Naanri Y, Tanaka, J. Hara, H. Synergistic effect of hypertension and smoking on the total small vessel disease score in healthy individuals: the Kashima scan study. Hypertens. Res. 42(11): 1738-1744. 2019, 6.
Iwasaki Y, Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Okada R, Hishida A, Tanaka K, Hara M, Takezaki T, Shimatani K, Ozaki E, Koyama T, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Kuriki K, Miyagawa N, Kadota A, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Oze I, Ito H, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Wakai K. Associations of nutrient patterns with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: results from the baseline data of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. Nutrients. 11(5): E990. 2019, 4.
Kakiuchi T, Matsuo M, Endo H, Nakayama A, Sato K, Takamori A, Sasaki K, Takasaki M, Hara M, Sakata Y, Okuda M, Kikuchi S, Eguchi Y, Takahashi H, Anzai K, Fujimoto K. A Helicobacter pylori screening and treatment program to eliminate gastric cancer among junior high school students in Saga Prefecture: a preliminary report. J. Gastroenterol. 54(8): 699-707. 2019, 8.
Kudo R, Yamaguchi M, Sekine M, Adachi S, Ueda Y, Miyagi E, Hara M, Hanley S, J, B, Enomoto T. Bivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Effectiveness in a Japanese Population: High Vaccine-Type-Specific Effectiveness and Evidence of Cross-Protection. J. Infect. Dis. 219(3): 382-390. 2019, 1.
Nishida Y, Hara M, Higaki Y, Taguchi N, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Horita M, Shimanoe C, Yasukata J, Miyoshi N, Yamada Y, Higashimoto K, Soejima H, Tanaka K. Habitual Light-intensity Physical Activity and ASC Methylation in a Middle-aged Population. Int. J. Sports Med. 40(10): 670-677. 2019, 9.
Nishida Y, Higaki Y, Taguchi N, Hara M, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Imaizumi T, Sakamoto T, Shimanoe C, Horita M, Shinchi K, Tanaka K. Intensity-Specific and Modified Effects of Physical Activity on Serum Adiponectin in a Middle-Aged Population. J. Endocr. Soc. 3(1): 13-26. 2019, 1.
Nishiyama T, Nakatochi M, Goto A, Iwasaki M, Hachiya T, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Wang C, Tanaka H, Watanabe M, Hosono A, Tamai Y, Yamada T, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Fukumoto K, Otsuka K, Tanno K, Tomita H, Kojima K, Nagasaki M, Hozawa A, Hishida A, Sasakabe T, Nishida Y, Hara M, Ito H, Oze I, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Koyama T, Kuriyama N, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Turin T,C, Naoyuki T, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Okada R, Kawai S, Naito M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Sasaki M, Yamamoto M, Tsugane S, Wakai K, Suzuki S. Genome-wide association meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization analysis confirm the influence of ALDH2 on sleep durationin the Japanese population. Sleep. 42(6): Zsz046. 2019, 6.
Okamoto N, Tominaga N, Sakata Y, Hara M, Yukimoto T, Tsuruta S, Yamanouchi K, Takeshita E, Matsunaga K, Ito Y, Miyahara K, Noda T, Yamaguchi D, Tsunada S, Tanaka Y, Kawakubo H, Tsuruoka N, Shimoda R, Ogata S, Fujimoto K. Lower rebleeding rate after endoscopic band ligation than endoscopic clipping of the same colonic diverticular hemorrhagic lesion: A historical multicenter trial in Saga, Japan. Intern. Med. 58(5): 633-638. 2019, 3.
Shimanoe C, Hachiya T, Hara M, Nishida Y, Tanaka K, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Hishida A, Kawai S, Okada R, Tamura T, Matsuo K, Ito H, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Ibusuki R, Shimoshikiryo I, Takashima N, Kadota A, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Kuriki K, Endoh K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Nakatochi M, Naito M, Wakai K. A genome-wide association study of coping behaviors suggests FBXO45 is associated with emotional expression. Genes, Brain and Behavior 18(2): e12481. 2019.
Tsuruta S, Tominaga N, Ogata S, Tsuruoka N, Sakata Y, Shimoda R, Eguchi Y, Anzai K, Hara M, Fujimoto K. Risk Factors for Delayed Hemorrhage after Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection in Patients Not on Antithrombotic Therapy: Retrospective Analysis of 3,844 Polyps of 1,660 Patients. Digestion 100(2): 86-92. 2019, 11.
Araki K, Hara M, Tsugawa T, Shimanoe C, Nishida Y, Matsuo M, Tanaka K. Effectiveness of monovalent and pentavalent rotavirus vaccines in Japanese children. Vaccine. 36: 5187-5193. 2018.
Hara M, Hachiya T, Sutoh Y, Matsuo K, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Shimizu A, Ohnaka K, Kawaguchi T, Oze I, Matsuda F, Ito H, Kawai S, Hishida A, Okada R, Sasakabe T, Hirata A, Ibusuki R, Nindita Y, Furusyo N, Ikezaki H, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Hosono A, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Kuriki K, Endoh K, Takashima N, Kadota A, Nakatochi M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Naito M, Wakai K. Genome-wide association study of leisure-time exercise behavior in Japanese adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 50(12): 2433-2411. 2018.
Hara M, Nakagomi O. Role of rotavirus vaccination on an emerging G8P[8] rotavirus strain causing an outbreak in central Japan. Vaccine. 36(34): 5109. 2018.
Hishida A, Nakatochi M, Akiyama M, Kamatani Y, Nishiyama T, Ito H, Oze I, Nishida Y, Hara M, Takashima N, Turin TC, Watanabe M, Suzuki S, Ibusuki R, Shimoshikiryo I, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Kuriki K, Endoh K, Koyama T, Matsui D, Uemura H, Arisawa K, Sasakabe T, Okada R, Kawai S, Naito M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Wakai K; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Genome-wide association study of renal function traits: results from the Japan multi-institutional collaborative cohort study. Am. J. Nephrol. 47: 304-316. 2018.
Kawachi K, Sakata Y, Hara M, Takeshita E, Kawakubo H, Yamaguchi D, Okamoto N, Shimoda R, Iwakiri R, Tsuruoka N, Kusano M, Fujimoto K. Higher frequency of upper gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy young Japanese females compared to males and older generations. Esophagus. 15(2): 83-87. 2018.
Matsuura S, Sakata Y, Tsuruoka N, Miyahara K, Hara M, Ito Y, Nakayama K, Shimamura T, Noda T, Yukimoto T, Shimoda R, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K. Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Hemostasis for the Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Were Not Influenced by the Timing of Hospital Emergency Visits: A Situation Prevailing in Japan. Digestion. 97(3): 260-266. 2018.
Nakagawa-Senda H, Hachiya T, Shimizu A, Hosono S, Oze I, Watanabe M, Matsuo K, Ito H, Hara M, Nishida Y, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Nindita Y, Ibusuki R, Suzuki S, Hosono A, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Furusyo N, Ikezaki H, Nakatochi M, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Okada R, Hishida A, Naito M, Wakai K, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Tanaka H. A genome-wide association study in the Japanese population identifies the 12q24 locus for habitual coffee consumption: The J-MICC Study. Sci. Rep. 8: 1493. 2018.
Nishida Y, Iyadomi M, Tominaga H, Taniguchi H, Higaki Y, Tanaka H, Horita M, Shimanoe C, Hara M, Tanaka K. Influence of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in PPAR-δ, PPAR-γ, and PRKAA2 on the changes in anthropometric indices and blood measurements through exercise-centered lifestyle intervention in Japanese middle-aged men. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19: 703. 2018.
Sakanishi Y, Yamamoto Y, Hara M, Fukumori N, Goto Y, Kusaba T, Tanaka K, Sugioka T, Vaccine Project Team JPCA, Fukuhara S. Public subsidies and the recommendation of child vaccines among primary care physicians: a nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan. BMJ Open 8: e020923. 2018.
Sasakabe T, Wakai K, Kawai S, Hishida A, Naito M, Suzuki S, Nindita Y, Arisawa K, Kita Y, Hara M, Kuriyama N, Hirata A, Mikami H, Oze I, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N. Modification of the associations of alcohol intake with serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceriwdes by ALDH2 and ADH1B polymorphisms in Japanese men. J. Epidemiol. 28(4): 185-193. 2018.
Shimanoe C, Hara M, Nishida Y, Nanri H, Horita M, Yamada Y, Li Y S, Kasai H, Kawai K, Higaki Y, Tanaka K. Perceived Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Oxidative DNA Damage. Psychosm. Med. 80(1): 28-33. 2018.
Shimanoe C, Hara M, Nishida Y, Nanri H, Otsuka Y, Horita M, Yasukata J, Miyoshi N, Yamada Y, Higaki Y, Tanaka K. Coping strategy and social support modify the association between perceived stress and C-reactive protein: a longitudinal study of healthy men and women. Stress 21: 237-246. 2018.
Shirai S, Hara M, Sakata Y, Tsuruoka N, Yamamoto K, Shimoda R, Gomi Y, Yoshii H, Fujimoto K, Iwakiri R. Immunogenicity of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Undergoing Immunosuppressive Therapy. Inflamm. Bowel. Dis. 24(5): 1082-1091. 2018.
Tamura T, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Okada R, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Hishida A, Hara M, Tanaka K, Shimoshikiryo I, Takezaki T, Watanabe I, Matsui D, Nishiyama T, Suzuki S, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Koyanagi YN, Oze I, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Naito M, Wakai K. Association of exposure level to passive smoking with hypertension among lifetime nonsmokers in Japan: a cross-sectional study. Medicine 97: e13241. 2018.
Yamaguchi M, Sekine M, Kudo R, Adachi S, Ueda Y, Miyagi E, Hara M, Hanley S, J, B, Enomoto T. Differential misclassification between self-reported status and official HPV vaccination records in Japan: Implications for evaluating vaccine safety and effectiveness. Papillomavirus Res. 6: 6-10. 2018.
Yamamoto K, Shimoda R, Ogata S, Hara M, Ito Y, Tominaga N, Nakayama A, Sakata Y, Tsuruoka N, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K. Perforation and postoperative bleeding associated with endoscopic submucosal dissection in colorectal tumors: An analysis of 398 lesions treated in Saga, Japan. Intern. Med. 57(15): 2115-2122. 2018.
Hachiya T, Kamatani Y, Takahashi A, Hata J, Furukawa R, Shiwa Y, Yamaji T, Hara M, Tanno K, Ohmomo H, Ono K, Takashima N, Matsuda K, Wakai K, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Yamagishi K, Ago T, Ninomiya T, Fukushima A, Hozawa A, Minegishi N, Satoh M, Endo R, Sasaki M, Sakata K, Kobayashi S, Ogasawara K, Nakamura M, Hitomi J, Kita Y, Tanaka K, Iso H, Kitazono T, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Tsugane S, Kiyohara Y, Yamamoto M, Sobue K, Shimizu A. Genetic predisposition to ischemic stroke: a polygenic risk score. Stroke. 48: 253-258. 2017.
Matsumoto A, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Ichiba M, Hara M. Development of suitable method for large-scale urinary glucocorticoid analysis by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B. 1057: 62–69. 2017.
Nishida Y, Tanaka K, Hara M, Hirao N, Tanaka H, Tobina T, Ikeda M, Yamato H, Ohta M. Influence of a home-based exercise program on the urine pH in elderly female subjects: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Eur. Rev. Aging Phys. Act. 14: 7. 2017.
Shimoda R, Sakata, Fujise T, Yamanouchi K, Tsuruoka N, Hara M, Nakayama A, Yamaguchi D, Akutagawa T, Fujimoto K, Iwakiri R. The adenoma miss rate of blue-laser imaging vs. White-light imaging during colonoscopy: A randomized tandem trial. Endoscopy 49: 186-190. 2017.
Tanaka Y, Sakata Y, Hara M, Kawakubo H, Tsuruoka N, Yamamoto K, Itoh Y, Hidaka H, Shimoda R, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K. Risk factors for helicobacter pylori infection and endoscopic reflux esophagitis in healthy young Japanese volunteers. Intern. Med. 56: 2979-2983. 2017.
Yoshioka T, Takeshita E, Sakata Y, Hara M, Akutagawa K, Sakata N, Endo H, Ohyama T, Matsunaga, Tanaka Y, Shirai S, Ito Y, Tsuruoka N, Iwakiri R, Kusano M, Fujimoto K. Helicobacter pylori infection status had no influence on upper gastrointestinal symptoms: a cross-sectional analysis of 3,005 Japanese subjects without upper gastrointestinal lesions undergoing medical health checkups. Esophagus. 14: 249-253. 2017.
Araki K, Hara M, Sakanishi Y, Shimanoe C, Nishida Y, Matsuo M, Tanaka K. Estimating rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in Japan using a screening method. Hum. Vacc. Immunother. 12: 1244-1249. 2016.
Fujii S, Hara M, Nonaka S, Ishikawa S, Aoki Y, Anzai K, Morita S, Fujimoto K, Mawatari M. Infectious disease during hospitalization is the major causative factor for prolonged hospitalization: Multivariate analysis of diagnosis procedure combination (DPC) data of 20,876 cases in Japan. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 59: 49-52. 2016.
Hara M, Hanaoka T, Maeda K, Kase T, Ohfuji S, Fukushima W, Hirota Y. Immunogenicity and efficacy of A/H1N1pdm vaccine among subjects with severe motor and intellectual disability in the 2010/11 influenza season. J. Epidemiol. 26: 300-306. 2016.
Hara M, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Otsuka Y, Nanri H, Yasukata J, Miyoshi N, Yamada Y, Horita M, Kawai K, Li YS, Kasai J, Kasai H, Higaki Y, Tanaka K. Intensity-specific effect of physical activity on urinary levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in middle-aged Japanese. Cancer Sci. 107: 1653-1659. 2016
Kawakubo H, Tanaka Y, Tsuruoka N, Hara M, Yamamoto K, Hidaka H, Sakata Y, Shimoda R, Iwakiri R, Kusano M, Fujimoto K. Upper gastrointestinal symptoms are more frequent in female than male young healthy Japanese volunteers as evaluated by questionnaire. J. Neurogastroenterol. Motil. 22: 248-253. 2016.
Nanri H, Nishida Y, Nakamura K, Tanaka K, Naito M, Yin G, Hamajima N, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nindita Y, Kohno M, Uemura H, Kyoyama T, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Associations between dietary patterns, ADRβ2 Gln27Glu and ADRβ3 Trp64Arg with regard to serum triglyceride levels: J-MICC Study. Nutrients. 8: 545. 2016.
Nishida Y, Hara M, Sakamoto T, Shinchi K, Kawai S, Naito M, Hamajima N, Kadota A, Suzuki S, Ibusuki R, Hirata A, Yamaguchi M, Kuriyama N, Oze I, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Influence of cigarette smoking and inflammatory gene polymorphisms on glycated hemoglobin in the Japanese general population. Prev. Med. Rep. 3: 288-295. 2016.
Takeshita E, Sakata Y, Hara M, Akutagawa K, Sakata N, Endo H, Ohyama T, Matsunaga K, Yoshioka T, Kawakubo H, Tanaka Y, Shirai S, Ito Y, Tsuruoka N, Iwakiri R, Kusano M, Fujimoto K. Higher Frequency of Reflux Symptoms and Acid-Related Dyspepsia in Women than Men Regardless of Endoscopic Esophagitis: Analysis of 3,505 Japanese Subjects Undergoing Medical Health Checkups. Digestion. 93: 266-271. 2016.
Tominaga N, Gotoda T, Hara M, Hale MD, Tsuchiya T, Matsubayashi J, Kono S, Kusano C, Itoi T, Fujimoto K, Moriyasu F, Grabsch HI. Five biopsy specimens from the proximal part of the tumor reliably determine HER2 protein expression status in gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 19: 553-560. 2016.
Yamaguchi S, Sakata Y, Iwakiri R, Hara M, Akutagawa K, Shimoda R, Yamaguchi D, Hidaka H, Sakata H, Fujimoto K, Mizuguchi M, Shimoda Y, Irie H, Noshiro H. Increase in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery regarding the therapeutic approach of gastric cancer detected by cancer screening in Saga Prefecture, Japan. Internal Med. 55: 1247-1253. 2016.
Akutagawa K, Iwakiri R, Hara M, Fujimoto K, Fujiwara Y, Inamori M, Tanaka J, Shimatani T, Akiyama J, Ando T, Manabe N, Kinjo F, Deguchi R, Kusano M. Risk factors for low response to proton-pump inhibitor treatment in reflux esophagitis and non-erosive reflux disease evaluated by the frequency scale for the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Esophagus. 12: 225-232. 2015.
原めぐみ. コーホート研究による地域在住高齢者におけるインフルエンザワクチンの有効性評価. 臨床医薬. 31(4): 300-308. 2015
Hara M, Fukuoka M, Tashiro K, Ozaki I, Ohfuji S, Okada K, Nakano T, Fukushima W, Hirota Y. Pertussis outbreak in university students and evaluation of acellular pertussis vaccine effectiveness in Japan. BMC Infect. Dis. 15(1): 45. DOI: 10.1186/s12879-015-0777-3. 2015.
Hara M, Shimanoe C, Otsuka Y, Nishida Y, Nanri H, Horita M, Yasukata J, Miyoshi N, Yamada Y, Higaki Y, Tanaka K. Factor associated with non-participation in face-to-face survey conducted 5 years after baseline survey. J. Epidemiol. 25(2):117-125. 2015.
Nishida Y, Iyadomi M, Higaki Y, Tanaka H, Kondo Y, Otsubo H, Horita M, Hara M, Tanaka K. Association between PPARGC1A polymorphism and aerobic capacity in Japanese middle-aged men. Intern. Med. 54: 359-366. 2015.
Nishida Y, Tanaka K, Hara M, Hirao N, Tanaka H, Tobina T, Ikeda M, Yamato H, Ohta M. Effects of home-based bench step exercise on inflammatory cytokines and lipid profiles in elderly Japanese females: A oandomized controlled trial. Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. 61: 443-451. 2015.
Nanri H, Hara M, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Nakamura K, Higaki Y, Imaizumi T, Taguchi N, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Kokaze A, Tanaka K. Dietary patterns and serum gamma-glutamyl transferase in Japanese men and women. J. Epidemiol. 25(5): 378-386. 2015.
Ohfuji S, Okada K, Nakano T, Ito H, Hara M, Kuroki H, Hirota Y. Effectiveness of acellular pertussis vaccine in a routine immunization program: a multicenter, case-control study in Japan. Vaccine. 33(8): 1027-1032. 2015.
Shimanoe C, Hara M, Nishida Y, Nanri H, Otsuka Y, Nakamura K, Higaki Y, Imaizumi T, Taguchi N, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Tanaka K. Perceived stress and coping strategies in relation to body mass index: cross-sectional study of 12,045 Japanese men and women. Plos One. 10(2): e0118105. 2015.
Yakushiji Y, Noguchi T, Charidimou A, Eriguchi M, Nishihara M, Hara M, Nanri Y, Horikawa E, Nishiyama M, Werring DJ, Hara H. Basal Ganglia Cerebral Microbleeds and Global Cognitive Function: The Kashima Scan Study. J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis. 24(2): 431-439. 2015.
Hara M, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Nishida Y, Hishida A, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Kita K, Suzuki S, Mantjoro E M, Ohnaka K, Uemura H, Matsui D, Oze I, Mikami H, Kubo M and Tanaka H on behalf of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Associations between hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and increased body mass index and fasting glucose in the Japanese general population. J Epidemiol. 24(5): 379-384. 2014.
Higuchi T, Iwakiri R, Hara M, Shimoda R, Sakata Y, Nakayama A, Nio K, Yamaguchi S, Yamaguchi D, Watanabe A, Akutagawa T, Sakata H, Fujimoto K. Low-dose aspirin and comorbidities are significantly related to bleeding peptic ulcer in elderly patents compared with nonelderly patients in Japan. Intern Med. 53: 367-373. 2014.
Nishida Y, Higaki Y, Taguchi N, Hara M, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Imaizumi T, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Tanaka K. Objectively measured physical activity and inflammatory cytokine levels in middle-aged Japanese people. Prev. Med. 64: 81-87. 2014.
Nishida Y, Tokuyama K, Nagasaka S, Kiyonaga A, Higaki Y, Hara M, Tanaka K, Tanaka H. Association of IL-15 with peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in healthy middle-aged men. Open J. Endocr. Metab. Dis. 4: 59-67. 2014.
坂西雄太, 原めぐみ, 福森則男, 草場鉄周, 田中恵太郎, 杉岡隆 . わが国のプライマリ・ケア医の定期接種および任意接種ワクチンの接種状況,接種推奨割合および接種推奨の障壁. 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌. 37: 254-259. 2014.
Shimanoe C, Otsuka Y, Hara M, Nanri H, Nishida Y, Nakamura K, Higaki Y, Imaizumi T, Taguchi N, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Tanaka K. Gender-specific associations of perceived stress and coping strategies with C-reactive protein in middle-aged and older men and women. Int. J. Behav. Med. 21: 821-832. 2014.
Yakushiji Y, Charidimou A, Hara M, Noguchi T, Nishihara M, Eriguchi M, Nanri Y, Nishiyama M, Werring DJ, Hara H. Topography an associations of perivascular spaces in healthy adults: The Kashima Scan Study. Neurology 83 (23): 2116-23. 2014.
Hara M, Okada K, Yamaguchi Y, Uno S, Otsuka Y, Shimanoe C, Nanri H, Horita M, Ozaki I, Nishida Y, Tanaka K. Immunogenicity and safety after booster vaccination of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis in young adults: an open randomized controlled trial in Japan. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 20: 1799–1804. 2013.
原めぐみ, 田中恵太郎. 喫煙・受動喫煙状況,喫煙に対する意識および喫煙防止教育の効果 佐賀県の小学校6年生の153校7,585人を対象として. 日本公衛誌. 60: 444-452. 2013.
Hara M, Yakushiji Y, Nannri H, Sasaki S, Noguchi T, Nishhiyama M, Hirostu T, Nakajima J, Hara H. Joint effect of hypertension and lifestyle-related risk factors on the risk of brain microbleeds in healthy individuals. Hypertens. Res. 36: 789-794. 2013.
Matsumoto A, Matsumoto A, Ichiba M, Payton NM, Oishi H, Hara M. Simultaneous measurement of urinary total nicotine and cotinine as biomarkers of active and passive smoking among Japanese individuals. Environmen Health Prev. Med. 18: 244-250. 2013.
Nanri Y, Yakushiji Y, Hara M, Eriguchi M, Okada R, Yukitake M, Hara H. Stroke scale item associated with neurologic seterioration within 24 hours after recombinant tissue plasminogen activator therapy. J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis. 22: 1177-1124. 2013.
Hara M, Higaki Y, Taguchi N, Shinchi K, Morita E, Naito M, Hamajima N, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nakamura A, Ohnaka, Uemura H, Nishida H, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Effect of the PPARG2 Pro12Ala Polymorphism and Clinical Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus on HbA1c in the Japanese General Population. J. Epidemiol. 22: 523-531. 2012.
Kanoh M, Kaneita Y, Hara M, Harada S, Gon Y, Kanamaru H, Ohida T. Longitudinal study of parental smmokig habits and development of asthma in early childhood. Prev. Med. 54: 94-96. 2012
Okada R, Wakai K, Naito M, Morita E, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Hara M, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Ohnaka K, Arisawa K, Hirohata H, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms and chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nephrol. 13: 2. 2012.
Oze I, Matsuo K, Ito H, Wakai K, Nagata C, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Cigarette smoking and esophageal cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. 42: 63-73. 2012.
Yakushiji Y, Noguchi T, Hara M, Nishihara M, Eriguchi M, Nanri Y, Nishiyama M, Hara T. Distributional impact on brain microbleeds on cognitive function in adults without neurological disorder. Stroke. 43: 1800-1805. 2012.
Hara M, Hanaoka T, MIzushima T, Honma J, Maeda K, Ohfuji S, Tanaka K, Hirota Y. Diminished immunogenicity to pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza vaccine in subjects with severe motor and intellectual disability. Vaccine. 29: 8323-8329. 2011.
Nakamura K, Nanri H, Hara M, Higaki Y, Imaizumi T, Taguchi N, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Tanaka K. Optimal cutoff values of waist circumference and the discriminatory performance of other anthropometric indices to detect the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Japanese men and women. Environ. Health Prev. Med. 16: 52-60. 2011.
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高橋奨励賞(日本ワクチン学会). 地域在住高齢者および施設入所高齢者におけるインフルエンザワクチンの有効性評価.
第24回日本疫学会学術総会. Best Reviewer賞
第7回 資生堂 女性研究者サイエンスグラント賞. 遺伝子修復酵素のDNAのメチル化に関連する生活習慣の究明による遺伝子修復機能の向上に着目した効果的なアンチエイジング方法の開発.
科学研究費助成事業. 基盤研究(C). 代表. 遺伝子損傷の防御と修復に関るDNAメチル化に着目した身体活動とがんのコホート研究. 910,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. ワクチンの有効性・安全性評価とVPD(vaccine preventable iseases)対策への適用に関する分析疫学研究. 2,500,000.
日本医療研究開発機構研究費. 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業. 分担. HPVワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価のための大規模疫学研究. 234,000.
公益財団法人石本記念デサントスポーツ科学振興財団学術研究. 代表. 個人の内因性抗酸化能に応じた強度別身体活動量の検討. 500,000.
文部科学研究費補助金. 基盤(C). 代表. 遺伝子損傷の防御と修復に関るDNAメチル化に着目した身体活動とがんのコホート研究. 600,000 (961,000).
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. ワクチンの有効性・安全性評価とVPD(vaccine preventable iseases)対策への適用に関する分析疫学研究. 3,600,000.
日本医療研究開発機構研究費. 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業. 分担. HPVワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価のための大規模疫学研究. 180,000.
科学研究費助成事業. 基盤研究(C). 代表. 遺伝子損傷の防御と修復に関るDNAメチル化に着目した身体活動とがんのコホート研究. 1,690,000 (405,000).
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. ワクチンの有効性・安全性評価とVPD(vaccine preventable iseases)対策への適用に関する分析疫学研究. 2,000,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. 子宮頸がんワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価に関する疫学研究. 1,000,000.
日本医療研究開発機構研究費. 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業. 分担. HPVワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価のための大規模疫学研究. 260,000.
科学研究費助成事業. 基盤研究(C). 遺伝子損傷の防御と修復に関るDNAメチル化に着目した身体活動とがんのコホート研究. 1,100,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. ワクチンの有効性・安全性評価とVPD(vaccine preventable iseases)対策への適用に関する分析疫学研究. 1,400,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. 子宮頸がんワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価に関する疫学研究. 500,000.
日本医療研究開発機構研究費. 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業. 分担. HPVワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価のための大規模疫学研究. 代表一括計上.
文部科学研究費補助金. 基盤(C). 生活習慣病予防のための身体活動の遺伝子多型・メチル化への影響に関する疫学研究. 390,000 (951,000).
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. ワクチンの有効性・安全性評価とVPD(vaccine preventable iseases)対策への適用に関する分析疫学研究. 1,800,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業. 分担. 子宮頸がんワクチンの有効性と安全性の評価に関する疫学研究. 2,000,000.
平成27年度学長裁量経費事業. 評価反映特別経費. 成人の百日咳対策事業:百日咳ワクチンの免疫原性と有効性の評価. 1,000,000.
文部科学研究費補助金. 基盤(C). 生活習慣病予防のための身体活動の遺伝子多型・メチル化への影響に関する疫学研究. 2,470,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新型インフルエンザ等 新興・再興感染症研究事業. 分担. 予防接種の分析疫学研究班予防接種に関するワクチンの有効性・安全性についての分析疫学研究. 1,500,000.
科学研究費補助金. 基盤研究(C). 生活習慣病予防のための身体活動の遺伝子多型・メチル化への影響に関する疫学研究. 2,340,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新型インフルエンザ等 新興・再興感染症研究事業. 分担. 予防接種の分析疫学研究班. 予防接種に関するワクチンの有効性・安全性についての分析疫学研究. 2,000,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新型インフルエンザ等 新興・再興感染症研究事業. 分担. 予防接種の分析疫学研究班:予防接種に関するワクチンの有効性・安全性についての分析疫学研究. 1,500,000.
文部科学省科学研究費補助金. 若手研究(A). 地域住民の各種肝疾患の有病状況と重症度の修飾要因に関する分子疫学研究. 2,210,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新型インフルエンザ等 新興・再興感染症研究事業. 分担. 予防接種の分析疫学研究班 予防接種に関するワクチンの有効性・安全性についての分析疫学研究. 1,800,000.
文部科学研究費補助金. 若手研究(A). 地域住民の各種肝疾患の有病状況と重症度の修飾要因に関する分子疫学研究. 5,460,000.
厚生労働科学研究費補助金. 新型インフルエンザ等新興・再興感染症研究事業. 分担. インフルエンザ及び近年流行が問題となっている呼吸器感染症の分析疫学研究. 2,800,000.